Joachim Hagopian, Another UNNATURAL Wildfire in LA – Latest Land Grab/Smart City Assault on Humanity (2025)

This week’s death toll from Los Angeles’ so-calledwildfirescurrently stands at 11 with well over 12,000 homes and structures burned down, and more than180,000LA County residents forced to evacuate, necessitating deployment of 8,000 National Guard troops. Over 58 square miles have burned. Several arson suspects have been arrested. In terms of economic loss, the Southern California fires alreadytop the list with nearly all fires either zero or very limited containment. Multiple out-of-control fires continue burning all weeksince MondayJanuary 6th. Also one firefighting aircraft was struck by adronebut fortunately was able to land safely. Winds are predicted to pick up again on Sunday January 12th.

The Pacific Palisades fire nearly wiped out that upscale community, spreading north into the Santa Monica Mountains and west into Malibu to the Pacific Ocean. The Sunset fire that erupted in the Hollywood Hills is now reported fully contained. A flareup spread east to nearby Studio City, also in northern LA county to Sylmar in the San Fernando Valley, as well as the Eaton fire spreading east to hard hit Altadena just north of Pasadena, covering 21 square miles that killed six. All of these hotspot burns comprise LA County’s largest fire in January in 41 years. The fire also flared up in West Hills (as the Kenneth fire in Woodland Hills, Agoura and Calabasas) stretching west to near the Ventura County border.

With Rothschild central bank implant in America the largest US bank, JP Morgan already estimates at least$20 billionin insured losses and uninsured losses well over $100 billion. AccuWeather late on Thursday estimated the staggering damages between $120-135 billion. Do I smell the stench of another Marxist15-minute smart citiestakeover in SoCal’s future? Companies like BlackRock and Vanguard will pay dirt cheap prices scooping up billions’ worth of high-end property value. The striking parallels between the Maui and Los Angeles fires are significant and crucially noteworthy. The New World Order one world government technocracy envisions all remaining humans corralled into 15-minute smart cities to live out the rest of their lives in human bondage dystopia amidst 24/7 surveillance, CBDC digital currency based on social credit scores that punish dissenters with frozen bank accounts.

As explained by Dane Wigington,Climate geoengineerscreated the typical water vapor loop this week that drives the anomalous concentration of peak wind currents that veer all moisture in a resilient ridge off the West Coast, building a high-pressured dome observed over Southern California pushing any and all moisture well north or back out into the Pacific. The atmospheric slow humid air Ionosphere-heater induced pressure dome sets the stage for dry high winds engulfing the LA Basin to intensify and expand this week’s historic apocalyptic firestorm.

Moreover, alarming, unusual satellite captures from Nevada’sArea 51, the notorious, highly classified Air Force facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range, illustratethis week’s pattern of frequency transmission of probable deployeddirect energy weapons(DEWs). The DEW scalar beam impact with Los Angeles concentrated geoengineered, highly combustible aerosol cloud canopies ignited to set the LA firestorm area ablaze.CIA black ops pyro-terrorists operating out of the secret base Area 51 reportedly launched DEWs targeting Southern California with multiple fires that were then quickly spread by geoengineered weather warfare through dry, hurricane force winds. This repeated pattern on Tuesday is what literally fanned the LA firestorm flames most of this week with 50-100 MPH wind gusts, falsely claimed as the usual Santa Ana winds kicking up, augmented by the Deep State standby explanation for everything these days – climate change, used to conveniently mask emerging evidence that this was yet another case of geoengineeredweather warfare/DEW wildfire incineration cloaked as natural wildfires stoked by Santa Ana winds on steroids. All this is nothing more than the controllers’ recycled “problem-reaction-solution” methodology, now racing to smart city enslavement and genocide. The LA super-fires are the problem our common enemy created, the reaction is shock in their delivered destruction level, and the enemy solution is more draconian control measures leading to smart city neo-feudalism.

The gross shortage of both water and firefighters is not by incompetence but premeditated, egregious criminal design. Since state, county and municipal puppets in large metro areas follow masters’ orders, and we’ve seen this movie rerun before as historic fact, where ample forensic evidence backs up the root cause of this disaster as merely the latest predator plotted outcome waged against humanity, in this case hapless LA residents.

Returning to LA after her taxpaid trip to Ghana, Africa was cut short, when LA mayor Karen Bass wasconfronted at the airport, the mayor cowered, silently slithering away to avoid a reporter’s persistence asking if she’ll apologize to her forsaken LA residents that lost their homes. Even the liberal diehard Hollywood crowd, some who lost their homes, torched their liberal Democrat mayor. After all, the mayor cut$17.6million from the 2023-24 LA Fire Department budget, no doubt instead following her higher paygrade orders to prioritize services that fund and benefit foreign invaders over Americans. It turns out nearly half that allocated amount was never spent.

Then the latest bombshell insult just posted on X indicates a leaked memo dated Monday January 6th, the same time the worst fire in LA history started, Mayor Bass allegedly slashed another whopping$48.8million as yet deeper cuts into the beleaguered LAFD budget, with intent to close 16 more fire stations. It’s no wonder there weren’t enough firefighters available to put out the spreading blaze.

Even the DEI hired first female LA Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, like the secret service director busily promoting department diversity as top priority over firefighting capability, blamed lower “call volume” of reported fires as the reason behind postponing fire hydrant testing, which just so happened to be scheduled this month of January. So, “a day late and a dollar short” is the given excuse for no water available in the Pacific Palisadesfire hydrants, eerily the same suspicious circumstance that led to the calamitousLahaina, Maui fire in 2023. Officials from the LA Department of Water and Powermake excuses, impotently claiming that these residential hydrants simply do not carry the capacity even if full to effectively fight and subdue such high wind-driven firestorms.

Aircraft providing another vital source of water along with fire retardant used to drop on the flames were grounded Tuesday and Wednesday due to the high winds. Municipal officials responsible for fire safety keep making excuses, explaining away why they were so lame combating this “perfect firestorm.” But combination of criminal evidence of so many anomalies and feeble excuses fail to account for the now repeated pattern seen in one disaster after the next. The severe water shortage availability for firefighters to do their job in both the Maui and LA pyro-catastrophes cannot be passed off as mere oversight, neglect or incompetence, not when the same pattern of unexplained anomalies keeps rearing its ugly head, like what appear to bemysterious dronemovement amidst the fiery inferno.

Speaking of feeble self-defense, LA Fire Chief Crowley toldCBS Newsthat budget cuts hampered her department’s ability to adequately respond to the enormous, all-at-once emergency crisis when five major fires broke out raging over such a wide swath of the county. A month ahead of the fires on December 4th, Chief Crowley said she informed the Board of Fire Commissioners in writing:

[Budget cuts]have adversely affected the Department’s ability to maintain core operations, [adding a $7 million overtime reduction]severely limited the Department’s capacity to prepare for, train for, and respond to large-scale emergencies.

In a recent local Fox 11 interview this week, Chief Crowley pressed on whether LA city leadership failed her and her department, she finally responded “yes.” A month before her written complaint to the Board of Fire Commissioners, in November 2024, drawn from the city budget’s general fund, LA City Council approved a 4-year $203 million contract with the firefighter’s union to increase wage and health benefits. But sadly, it failed to add a single firefighter to the fast-moving fire lines. In a Thursday January 9thpress conference, Crowley’s boss Mayor Bass engaged in hedging to refute her fire chief’s claims:

There were no reductions that were made that would have impacted the situation that we were dealing with over the last couple of days. The unprecedented wind storm, wind at such ferocity that we haven’t seen in years, is the context in which we were dealing with this.

Always at the ready these days for quick judgment, Elon Musk called Bass “utterly incompetent” while Trump took aim blaming California Governor Gavin Newsom after repeated past warnings clashing over California’s chronic fire prevention shortcomings. While fires raged in Sonoma County in late September-early October 2019, PresidentTrumpposted on Twitter/X:

The Governor of California,@GavinNewsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must ‘clean’ his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers. Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing-and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help. No more. Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states

Locked in public feuding, Gov. Newsom dug in his heels pushing his masters’ climate change agenda:

We’re successfully waging war against thousands of fires started across the state in the last few weeks due to extreme weather created by climate change while Trump is conducting a full on assault against the antidotes.

Then while LA burned this week, on Wednesday January 8thTrump took to his Truth Social to attack:

Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way.He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), but didn’t care about the people of California. Now the ultimate price is being paid. I will demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!

The last time efforts to clean up the forest floor in California was over 40 years ago. Let’s face it, by malevolent design this unforgiveable criminal neglect was purposely set up to conveniently blame California fires on the elites’ favorite Trojan horse, theclimate changehoax. My take from this entire spectacle dramatically played out this week is that the genocidal overlords’ thoroughly compromised and controlled political puppets are simply acting out their scripted divisive partisan roles as pure staged high stakes theater, intended to further polarize and destabilize America and its citizens to take the momentous fall to ruin. The fact that as a consequence, so many people’s lives are suffering and largely destroyed now, to the masterminding psychopath creators of this historic tragedy, it’s mere frosting on the cake for them. After all, without conscience or empathy, these parasitic soulless maggots literally get off and feed off human suffering. To all US citizens, this debacle should send a loud and clear, chilling message, the same one graphically displayed inNorth Carolinaa few months ago and in 2023Lahaina, Hawaii– we Americans are deemed expendable useless eaters, squarely in the controllers’ genocidal crosshairs, and our treasonous order-following puppet governments obediently want us dead.

Puppet Newsom couldn’t or wouldn’t answer why the localPalisades Reservoiras a vital part of the Los Angeles water supply system was left totally dry and empty of H2O while thousands of nearby homes burned to the ground in Pacific Palisades during this raging fire. Officials claim since last February last year, this reservoir that normally contains 117-million gallons as a water storage complex was minus all its water which would have saved thousands of homes and, like the governor, could not explain why nearly a year later it still remains empty to this day. Again, all these “oversights” are not simply authorities’ lapse of judgment and/or stupidity. They collectively followed orders knowing that tragedy would one day be inevitable. When these anomalies keep mounting up, that life-saving, home-saving reservoir stayed empty by criminal choice, and minimally, these taxpaid servants are criminally guilty of gross dereliction of duty.

Another major factor in this manmade LA disaster is the fact that just three or four months earlier, all the major insurance conglomerates owned by the same controlling City of London bankers, maliciouslycancelledLA homeowners’ fire insurance coverage, serving as yet one more indicator that the same evil perps are subversively responsible for methodically staging this coldblooded, horrific misfortune.

Another absurd, over-the-top reality unequivocally demonstrating that this unprecedented LA inferno is totally deliberate, premeditated, pure evil, is the fact that cloud-seeding rainmaking technology has been around for nearly a century. From federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) itself comes:

‘Cloud seeding’ is an 80-year-old technology that adds tiny particles—usually silver iodide crystals—to clouds to trigger rain or snow.

Less than two months ago,newsx.composted theheadline:

UAE Could Use AI To Increase Cloud Seeding To Combat Water Scarcity

For years this technology should have eliminated the ultra-dry conditions that have plagued California, knowingly producing such ripe conditions for these colossal firestorms. All these years running, Southern California’s semiarid climate has willfully, intentionally been rain-starved, needlessly fueling more of these ever-dangerous fires as time goes on. This geoengineered crisis explains why the largest Golden State fires in history have all occurred within the lasthalf dozen years, and now in the first week of 2025 during the wildfire off-season no less, emerges this most destructive, costly firestorm ever in the state’s history. Of course, the fascist propaganda machine explains this anomaly away by insisting “wildfire season keepsgetting longerand more devastating” because of the favorite Trojan horse scam called climate change.

The timing of several months of nonstop, one after the next,manufactured, wag-the-dog misdirectionmega-crisesby the not-so-hidden hand of the power elite’sdepopulation agendain action is rapidly paving the way for globalistsKlaus Schwaband King Charles’Great Reset. Imminentworld warco-timed with the collapse of the global economy accompanied by the ravages of weather warfare passed off as acts of God are definitely not by accident nor by coincidence. It’s more than obvious that all of these manmade catastrophes currently exploding around us are directly linked to the same guilty criminal perpetrators atop the parasitic, cannibalistic power pyramid.

Moreover, just as government contractors for decades have been saturating the atmosphere, water, earth and lungs with toxic heavy metal poisons aluminum, barium and strontium as part of the controllers’ geoengineered agenda to covertly engage in weather warfare, contracted drones and helicopters have been used to set fires to trees amidst ever-drier forests and woodlands. Thus, Rothschild owned and controlled international news agencies like theAssociated Pressrelease damage control fake news with a headline falsely claiming:

Helicopter setting fire to trees is preventing, not causing, wildfires

Meanwhile in recent years, intensified aerosol spraying of geoengineered toxic metals like aluminum as extremely flammable materials ensured the Deep State crime cabal saturated our living environment with an explosive mixture of semi-conducting metals in our air, earth, water, ultimately ingested internally into our lungs, livers and brains. This further has enabled advances in EMF mass mind control experimentation without public consent as well as chronic health deficits conducive to the depopulation agenda. The recentchemical fogphenomenon in North America and Europe causing illness to those exposed is also the latest assault on humanity. Fearing the people’s wrath rising up in revolt, what we are now witnessing in 2025 are the elites’ acceleration of life-threatening mega-crises intent on drastically reducing the human population.

Another UNNATURAL Wildfire in LA – the Latest Land Grab/Smart City Assault on Humanity

This week’s death toll from Los Angeles’ so-calledwildfirescurrently stands at 11 with well over 12,000 homes and structures burned down, and more than180,000LA County residents forced to evacuate, necessitating deployment of 8,000 National Guard troops. Over 58 square miles have burned. Several arson suspects have been arrested. In terms of economic loss, the Southern California fires alreadytop the list with nearly all fires either zero or very limited containment. Multiple out-of-control fires continue burning all weeksince MondayJanuary 6th. Also one firefighting aircraft was struck by adronebut fortunately was able to land safely. Winds are predicted to pick up again on Sunday January 12th.

The Pacific Palisades fire nearly wiped out that upscale community, spreading north into the Santa Monica Mountains and west into Malibu to the Pacific Ocean. The Sunset fire that erupted in the Hollywood Hills is now reported fully contained. A flareup spread east to nearby Studio City, also in northern LA county to Sylmar in the San Fernando Valley, as well as the Eaton fire spreading east to hard hit Altadena just north of Pasadena, covering 21 square miles that killed six. All of these hotspot burns comprise LA County’s largest fire in January in 41 years. The fire also flared up in West Hills (as the Kenneth fire in Woodland Hills, Agoura and Calabasas) stretching west to near the Ventura County border.

With Rothschild central bank implant in America the largest US bank, JP Morgan already estimates at least$20 billionin insured losses and uninsured losses well over $100 billion. AccuWeather late on Thursday estimated the staggering damages between $120-135 billion. Do I smell the stench of another Marxist15-minute smart citiestakeover in SoCal’s future? Companies like BlackRock and Vanguard will pay dirt cheap prices scooping up billions’ worth of high-end property value. The striking parallels between the Maui and Los Angeles fires are significant and crucially noteworthy. The New World Order one world government technocracy envisions all remaining humans corralled into 15-minute smart cities to live out the rest of their lives in human bondage dystopia amidst 24/7 surveillance, CBDC digital currency based on social credit scores that punish dissenters with frozen bank accounts.

As explained by Dane Wigington,Climate geoengineerscreated the typical water vapor loop this week that drives the anomalous concentration of peak wind currents that veer all moisture in a resilient ridge off the West Coast, building a high-pressured dome observed over Southern California pushing any and all moisture well north or back out into the Pacific. The atmospheric slow humid air Ionosphere-heater induced pressure dome sets the stage for dry high winds engulfing the LA Basin to intensify and expand this week’s historic apocalyptic firestorm.

Moreover, alarming, unusual satellite captures from Nevada’sArea 51, the notorious, highly classified Air Force facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range, illustratethis week’s pattern of frequency transmission of probable deployeddirect energy weapons(DEWs). The DEW scalar beam impact with Los Angeles concentrated geoengineered, highly combustible aerosol cloud canopies ignited to set the LA firestorm area ablaze.CIA black ops pyro-terrorists operating out of the secret base Area 51 reportedly launched DEWs targeting Southern California with multiple fires that were then quickly spread by geoengineered weather warfare through dry, hurricane force winds. This repeated pattern on Tuesday is what literally fanned the LA firestorm flames most of this week with 50-100 MPH wind gusts, falsely claimed as the usual Santa Ana winds kicking up, augmented by the Deep State standby explanation for everything these days – climate change, used to conveniently mask emerging evidence that this was yet another case of geoengineeredweather warfare/DEW wildfire incineration cloaked as natural wildfires stoked by Santa Ana winds on steroids. All this is nothing more than the controllers’ recycled “problem-reaction-solution” methodology, now racing to smart city enslavement and genocide. The LA super-fires are the problem our common enemy created, the reaction is shock in their delivered destruction level, and the enemy solution is more draconian control measures leading to smart city neo-feudalism.

The gross shortage of both water and firefighters is not by incompetence but premeditated, egregious criminal design. Since state, county and municipal puppets in large metro areas follow masters’ orders, and we’ve seen this movie rerun before as historic fact, where ample forensic evidence backs up the root cause of this disaster as merely the latest predator plotted outcome waged against humanity, in this case hapless LA residents.

Returning to LA after her taxpaid trip to Ghana, Africa was cut short, when LA mayor Karen Bass wasconfronted at the airport, the mayor cowered, silently slithering away to avoid a reporter’s persistence asking if she’ll apologize to her forsaken LA residents that lost their homes. Even the liberal diehard Hollywood crowd, some who lost their homes, torched their liberal Democrat mayor. After all, the mayor cut$17.6million from the 2023-24 LA Fire Department budget, no doubt instead following her higher paygrade orders to prioritize services that fund and benefit foreign invaders over Americans. It turns out nearly half that allocated amount was never spent.

Then the latest bombshell insult just posted on X indicates a leaked memo dated Monday January 6th, the same time the worst fire in LA history started, Mayor Bass allegedly slashed another whopping$48.8million as yet deeper cuts into the beleaguered LAFD budget, with intent to close 16 more fire stations. It’s no wonder there weren’t enough firefighters available to put out the spreading blaze.

Even the DEI hired first female LA Fire Chief Kristin Crowley, like the secret service director busily promoting department diversity as top priority over firefighting capability, blamed lower “call volume” of reported fires as the reason behind postponing fire hydrant testing, which just so happened to be scheduled this month of January. So, “a day late and a dollar short” is the given excuse for no water available in the Pacific Palisadesfire hydrants, eerily the same suspicious circumstance that led to the calamitousLahaina, Maui fire in 2023. Officials from the LA Department of Water and Powermake excuses, impotently claiming that these residential hydrants simply do not carry the capacity even if full to effectively fight and subdue such high wind-driven firestorms.

Aircraft providing another vital source of water along with fire retardant used to drop on the flames were grounded Tuesday and Wednesday due to the high winds. Municipal officials responsible for fire safety keep making excuses, explaining away why they were so lame combating this “perfect firestorm.” But combination of criminal evidence of so many anomalies and feeble excuses fail to account for the now repeated pattern seen in one disaster after the next. The severe water shortage availability for firefighters to do their job in both the Maui and LA pyro-catastrophes cannot be passed off as mere oversight, neglect or incompetence, not when the same pattern of unexplained anomalies keeps rearing its ugly head, like what appear to bemysterious dronemovement amidst the fiery inferno.

Speaking of feeble self-defense, LA Fire Chief Crowley toldCBS Newsthat budget cuts hampered her department’s ability to adequately respond to the enormous, all-at-once emergency crisis when five major fires broke out raging over such a wide swath of the county. A month ahead of the fires on December 4th, Chief Crowley said she informed the Board of Fire Commissioners in writing:

[Budget cuts]have adversely affected the Department’s ability to maintain core operations, [adding a $7 million overtime reduction]severely limited the Department’s capacity to prepare for, train for, and respond to large-scale emergencies.

In a recent local Fox 11 interview this week, Chief Crowley pressed on whether LA city leadership failed her and her department, she finally responded “yes.” A month before her written complaint to the Board of Fire Commissioners, in November 2024, drawn from the city budget’s general fund, LA City Council approved a 4-year $203 million contract with the firefighter’s union to increase wage and health benefits. But sadly, it failed to add a single firefighter to the fast-moving fire lines. In a Thursday January 9thpress conference, Crowley’s boss Mayor Bass engaged in hedging to refute her fire chief’s claims:

There were no reductions that were made that would have impacted the situation that we were dealing with over the last couple of days. The unprecedented wind storm, wind at such ferocity that we haven’t seen in years, is the context in which we were dealing with this.

Always at the ready these days for quick judgment, Elon Musk called Bass “utterly incompetent” while Trump took aim blaming California Governor Gavin Newsom after repeated past warnings clashing over California’s chronic fire prevention shortcomings. While fires raged in Sonoma County in late September-early October 2019, PresidentTrumpposted on Twitter/X:

The Governor of California,@GavinNewsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must ‘clean’ his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers. Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing-and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help. No more. Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states

Locked in public feuding, Gov. Newsom dug in his heels pushing his masters’ climate change agenda:

We’re successfully waging war against thousands of fires started across the state in the last few weeks due to extreme weather created by climate change while Trump is conducting a full on assault against the antidotes.

Then while LA burned this week, on Wednesday January 8thTrump took to his Truth Social to attack:

Governor Gavin Newscum refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way.He wanted to protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt, by giving it less water (it didn’t work!), but didn’t care about the people of California. Now the ultimate price is being paid. I will demand that this incompetent governor allow beautiful, clean, fresh water to FLOW INTO CALIFORNIA! He is the blame for this. On top of it all, no water for fire hydrants, not firefighting planes. A true disaster!

The last time efforts to clean up the forest floor in California was over 40 years ago. Let’s face it, by malevolent design this unforgiveable criminal neglect was purposely set up to conveniently blame California fires on the elites’ favorite Trojan horse, theclimate changehoax. My take from this entire spectacle dramatically played out this week is that the genocidal overlords’ thoroughly compromised and controlled political puppets are simply acting out their scripted divisive partisan roles as pure staged high stakes theater, intended to further polarize and destabilize America and its citizens to take the momentous fall to ruin. The fact that as a consequence, so many people’s lives are suffering and largely destroyed now, to the masterminding psychopath creators of this historic tragedy, it’s mere frosting on the cake for them. After all, without conscience or empathy, these parasitic soulless maggots literally get off and feed off human suffering. To all US citizens, this debacle should send a loud and clear, chilling message, the same one graphically displayed inNorth Carolinaa few months ago and in 2023Lahaina, Hawaii– we Americans are deemed expendable useless eaters, squarely in the controllers’ genocidal crosshairs, and our treasonous order-following puppet governments obediently want us dead.

Puppet Newsom couldn’t or wouldn’t answer why the localPalisades Reservoiras a vital part of the Los Angeles water supply system was left totally dry and empty of H2O while thousands of nearby homes burned to the ground in Pacific Palisades during this raging fire. Officials claim since last February last year, this reservoir that normally contains 117-million gallons as a water storage complex was minus all its water which would have saved thousands of homes and, like the governor, could not explain why nearly a year later it still remains empty to this day. Again, all these “oversights” are not simply authorities’ lapse of judgment and/or stupidity. They collectively followed orders knowing that tragedy would one day be inevitable. When these anomalies keep mounting up, that life-saving, home-saving reservoir stayed empty by criminal choice, and minimally, these taxpaid servants are criminally guilty of gross dereliction of duty.

Another major factor in this manmade LA disaster is the fact that just three or four months earlier, all the major insurance conglomerates owned by the same controlling City of London bankers, maliciouslycancelledLA homeowners’ fire insurance coverage, serving as yet one more indicator that the same evil perps are subversively responsible for methodically staging this coldblooded, horrific misfortune.

Another absurd, over-the-top reality unequivocally demonstrating that this unprecedented LA inferno is totally deliberate, premeditated, pure evil, is the fact that cloud-seeding rainmaking technology has been around for nearly a century. From federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) itself comes:

‘Cloud seeding’ is an 80-year-old technology that adds tiny particles—usually silver iodide crystals—to clouds to trigger rain or snow.

Less than two months ago,newsx.composted theheadline:

UAE Could Use AI To Increase Cloud Seeding To Combat Water Scarcity

For years this technology should have eliminated the ultra-dry conditions that have plagued California, knowingly producing such ripe conditions for these colossal firestorms. All these years running, Southern California’s semiarid climate has willfully, intentionally been rain-starved, needlessly fueling more of these ever-dangerous fires as time goes on. This geoengineered crisis explains why the largest Golden State fires in history have all occurred within the lasthalf dozen years, and now in the first week of 2025 during the wildfire off-season no less, emerges this most destructive, costly firestorm ever in the state’s history. Of course, the fascist propaganda machine explains this anomaly away by insisting “wildfire season keepsgetting longerand more devastating” because of the favorite Trojan horse scam called climate change.

The timing of several months of nonstop, one after the next,manufactured, wag-the-dog misdirectionmega-crisesby the not-so-hidden hand of the power elite’sdepopulation agendain action is rapidly paving the way for globalistsKlaus Schwaband King Charles’Great Reset. Imminentworld warco-timed with the collapse of the global economy accompanied by the ravages of weather warfare passed off as acts of God are definitely not by accident nor by coincidence. It’s more than obvious that all of these manmade catastrophes currently exploding around us are directly linked to the same guilty criminal perpetrators atop the parasitic, cannibalistic power pyramid.

Moreover, just as government contractors for decades have been saturating the atmosphere, water, earth and lungs with toxic heavy metal poisons aluminum, barium and strontium as part of the controllers’ geoengineered agenda to covertly engage in weather warfare, contracted drones and helicopters have been used to set fires to trees amidst ever-drier forests and woodlands. Thus, Rothschild owned and controlled international news agencies like theAssociated Pressrelease damage control fake news with a headline falsely claiming:

Helicopter setting fire to trees is preventing, not causing, wildfires

Meanwhile in recent years, intensified aerosol spraying of geoengineered toxic metals like aluminum as extremely flammable materials ensured the Deep State crime cabal saturated our living environment with an explosive mixture of semi-conducting metals in our air, earth, water, ultimately ingested internally into our lungs, livers and brains. This further has enabled advances in EMF mass mind control experimentation without public consent as well as chronic health deficits conducive to the depopulation agenda. The recentchemical fogphenomenon in North America and Europe causing illness to those exposed is also the latest assault on humanity. Fearing the people’s wrath rising up in revolt, what we are now witnessing in 2025 are the elites’ acceleration of life-threatening mega-crises intent on drastically reducing the human population.

Joachim Hagopianis a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticketpunching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachimearned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade,Joachimhas written hundreds of articles for many news sites, includingGlobal Research,, currentlyhttps//,Inteldrop.organd As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitledPedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at s/. Joachimalso hosts the weeklyRevolution Radiobroadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST(ID: revradio, password: rocks!)

Joachim Hagopian, Another UNNATURAL Wildfire in LA – Latest Land Grab/Smart City Assault on Humanity (2025)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.